Welcome to The Oklahoma Bluebird Society!
Ensuring That Oklahoma Bluebirds Survive and Thrive
TOBS meets twice a year, in the Spring and Fall, at various locations around Oklahoma. Non-members welcome!
The Spring, 2025 meeting of The Oklahoma Bluebird Society is set. Details are provided below.
Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Time: 10:30am ~ 1:00pm
Place: St. Mary's Catholic Church
321 S. Cimarron Avenue
Drumright, OK 74030
Speaker: TBA
Topic: TBA
Lunch: None provided. Please bring your own sack lunch. Coffee, tea, water, and cookies will be provided.
Contact: Mike Schrick at (918) 809-9626 or email rockhill50@aol.com to R.S.V.P., get more information, or get driving directions.
Watch this space for any future updates.
North American
Bluebird Society
The Oklahoma Bluebird Society is an affiliate of the North American Bluebird Society. Please visit their website, nabluebirdsociety.org for lots of great information about Bluebirds.
About Bluebirds
Bluebirds are bedazzling creatures. For everything you would ever want to know about bluebirds please visit sialis.org. This website is a treasure trove of information and resources for people interested in helping bluebirds and other native cavity-nesters survive and thrive. (Note the website is named for the Eastern Bluebird, Sialia sialis, pronounced cee-AL-ee-a cee-AL-iss.)
TOBS Facebook Feed
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